rfid tracking system

This morning to go to work, came to the elevator to see the above written, eight point to eight point power outage, the reason is the line transformation. We can go back directly, I heard that was posted last night, we have not seen ah. Home has no thing to do ah, about a few friends to go shopping together, make a few phone calls, are busy. Suddenly feel the whole world at work, I am a person idle, ha ha. That I still buy things on the Taobao, back home on the Taobao store to see things. I’m going to buy some of the supermarket downstairs emergency food, a group of old aunt under the RFID tracking system is being discussed, said that RFID tracking system good, I feel very good use.

CA Human Resource

The envy of all my friends around me are very I can work inside the company in CA Human Resource , in fact, even I can not believe I can CA the Human inside the company work, although I always wanted to go to work there, but also to one of the company’s reputation this how big how are average people can go in person, but in order to make their own peace of mind I choose to work there, I did not think my luck is not bad directly through the interview, I don’t know how to describe my mood. Hey, feel in this life the most happy thing is to work in the CA Human inside the company.





office renovation

We recently have inside the project really is more and more, so we headed to us to find a place, but this place to try to find a new decoration, then we took the leadership of the office renovation the task to me, after he asked about and let me go to the office, I heard that I do not know how to answer, because I have never done the work of renovation office, I don’t know what to do to do, but then think about it, which is a process of my study, so I’ll follow the leader’s request to do and I believe I can do this office renovation thing, I believe that their ability to work.


孩子從外邊回來,哭著鼻子告訴我說是他也想要一個龍珠呢,我當時還不知道發生什麼事情了呢,結果我兒子告訴我說是其他孩子都在玩龍珠呢,他本來想著跟朋友們一起玩呢,但是他們都不願意讓他玩他們的龍珠,所以他就哭著鼻子回來了呢,我知道之後就安慰她說是讓他不要哭了我們下午剛好出去,到時候給他也得買一個龍珠就好了,他 聽到之後心情也稍微平復了一些,我在想現在的孩子也真幸福呢,玩具也很多呢,確實很好的啊!

haneda airport transfer

去日本的話,你在羽田機場停機的話,那麼我覺得你肯定會對haneda airport transfer有很深刻的印象,他們的工作人員真的是非常好的態度,你都覺得不好意思了,其實我覺得有那麼好的haneda airport transfer的話,那麼我們對於這個國家也會有不一樣的感覺,其實我覺得我們對很多的東西也有自己的看法,但是到最後到底會怎麼樣,我覺得還是要看你自己怎麼去做了呢,我在我自己的工作之中我會很負責任的那種,但是出去了之後我覺得大家會有一點不一樣,到那時你還是會和平時差不多吧。