Listen to my friend Marine CCTV said very good, my friends working in the sea below their ship is the installation of the Marine CCTV, the picture is very clear, we also use the Marine CCTV inside the company, I also feel very good, there is a Marine CCTV, people can feel with security protection as it is now a lot of companies have installed the Marine CCTV, really good, my grandpa as a security guard in a company, Grandpa said before everywhere, now with Marine CCTV, you can see all the outside inside the control room, what can be directly the intercom and you pick up with it, the Marine CCTV screen is also very good.
日本 飯店
我平時最喜歡的去的地方就是日本 飯店的,每次去日本 飯店裡面吃東西都會覺得心情特別的好,這個日本 飯店裡面不但美食特別的好吃,而且價格也是特別的實惠的呢,哎,之前一直聽別人說這個日本 飯店特別的不錯,之前總是覺得這個日本 飯店離我家太遠了,因此就一直沒有什麽機會去裡面吃美食了,可是現在就不相同了,我自從在日本 飯店裡面吃了美食之後我就再也不想去其他的地方吃東西了,總是覺得其他的酒店裡面簡直是沒有辦法與日本 飯店相比。
time attendance security door
I give the company to buy time attendance security door is because my friend was purchased to pull me to go to buy, when somebody else inside the store staff said that if we buy two so you can enjoy a 20 percent off discount, my friend for this 20 percent off to my company to buy one, originally I don’t want to buy but after hearing the staff of the powerful function of time attendance security door to me I want to buy it instantly, but now I have given my company installed time attendance security door, which after use is really think that a time attendance security door special use, and is especially convenient, I believe there will be more people want to buy later.
apartment hong kong
大學畢業了,我和我的好朋友一起搬到了apartment hong kong,那裏非常的不錯呢,我非常的喜歡apartment hong kong那裏,裏面的裝修風格也是我非常喜歡的樣子呢,到了裏面我的好朋友也是非常的喜歡apartment hong kong那裏呢,這個apartment hong kong也是我們的了個學姐給我們推薦的呢,真的太好的apartment hong kong,我的學姐也是非常的喜歡這個apartment hong kong,學姐畢業一直在apartment hong kong這裏住著呢,學姐說這也是她的家了,她也在那裏買了房子呢,真的太好了,我們的學姐也是很喜歡這個apartment hong kong呢,過幾天我們也一起去學校裏面看看去。
美國 sim卡
和朋友在一起玩呢,我就聽朋友說是她換那個美國 sim卡了,我當時就想不是之前說不換麼,怎麼換的這麼快呢,就這次看來這個美國 sim卡也就還真的是很不錯的,所以這次我也就還是想有一個美國 sim卡也是挺好的,這次我也就真的是感覺到現在的這個美國 sim卡是越來越好了,而且那個網速還有其他的都是特別的好用的,所以我真的是很開心的,而且現在我也還是有了這個美國 sim卡呢,就真的是感覺到這個美國 sim卡是太好用了,我會一直用的。
virtual patch
I found that the company is now several people will still have in the virtual patch, so this time I would really feel that I am looking for a person, because before the company colleagues do not tell me how this is what good software or anything, but now. It is not, but also taught me that the virtual patch is particularly good, I will still feel the benefits of patch virtual will be used, it is really the feeling is really too many people are using this virtual patch, but also feel people is particularly good, so I was really very happy, but also have been using this virtual patch.