japan hotel

This holiday is ready to go out to play, said the friend wants to go to Japan to play, he often watch Japanese drama, or the comparison of Japanese yearning, I said it well, I just want to go out to play, you haven’t decided to go where, just as he together is a with it, he said that was so say, he is ready to give us to tour a newspaper, I said so quickly, he said he was optimistic about the early, he favored the group is mainly in the Japan Hotel inside the accommodation, he felt in the Japan hotel accommodation is the best, the author visited people see before coating Japan the inside of the hotel back in the following environment is very beautiful, very comfortable accommodation, he said, go out to play first of all to rest, so he chose


真是太纠结了,公司现在出这样的事情,真是我没想到的了,现在可怎么办呢,去找银行贷款吧,可是银行货款 可能至少要等几天才能下来的,现在公司里特别需要一笔资金的,资金周转不开了。给好几个朋友也打电话了,他们都在给我想办法,后来我一哥们给我说是现在的貸款公司特别的方便快捷他上次也找过貸款公司呢。其实貸款公司这方面我很早的时候也是听说过的,可是一直都也没有和貸款公司有过接触,现在这不也没办法了,我也知道我这个哥们他可是处事非常的谨慎的一个人,所以我也想去试试这个貸款公司。





wood panel

Do not know what to do what business, then went to the street with a friend to a circle, we found around has a lot of commercial housing in the building, so I think or do the decoration materials together in this comparison to make money! Once we were back home, saw a lot of information about building materials this piece, finally decided to sell wood panel better! Because now the young people are also in the decoration materials more attention, while wood panel is more environmental protection of a material, and I found that wood panel has the market very much, so I have started to talk with my friends with some of the things in this regard, I am very happy because our shop and is pretty good.

kyoto hotel

我住在kyoto hotel以後,就給我一個日本朋友打了一個電話,因為我知道他肯定也很想見到我呢,自打他上次從我們公司辭職以後,我們倆就再也沒有見過面了,因為他直接回國發展了,聽說了我人在日本的kyoto hotel就非常興奮,說是他從家裡做新幹線的話到kyoto hotel也就是十幾分鐘的事情,讓我在kyoto hotel等他,等他來了之後邀請我吃日本料理呢,還說是給我免費當導遊帶我在東京好好地逛一逛呢,我很高興,畢竟這也是我第一次來日本呢,所以心裡特別的激動。

kamen rider

Weekend boring, do not want to go out, then turn on the TV to watch, but it seems nothing good-looking, there is a table in the transmission of Kamen Rider, I somehow is also an anime fans, even if Kamen Rider is relatively lower the age, it is better than no strong. Look found Kamen Rider is pretty nice, adults can see. Later television broadcast over, I haven’t seen enough, and run to the computer to download a lot to see. To go to work today, I also Kamen Rider and colleagues recommend, they say I am out of your mind. Kamen Rider is really a child to see things, but who also not stipulated adults cannot see, I will always go on.





