To live in the Ximending is really very happy, here to buy things or play with, don’t go to work. I will walk around, had been living at home, but after I found a job in the Ximending work, in order to facilitate his move to live, to tell the truth I rented the house the rent is high, on my salary income can only rent a small room like this, the last time my friend to have not enough sleep, I had to let him go to the Ximending luxury hotel, the hotel I’ve been to, really good, so my friends came I would. Think of Ximending luxury hotel, he said he likes to live there.
台北 SPA
我的好姐妹前幾天來找我說是有一家美容院開業,她搞到了兩張體驗卡,想讓我陪她去試試看,我倒是沒什麽興趣,平常做美容什麽的都是去台北 SPA,其他的地方都不去的,因為我感覺還是台北 SPA的服務最好了,再說了她說的那家美容院太遠了,為了去體驗一下跑那麼遠我覺得一點也不值得,後來我說週末的時候來我家,我帶她去台北 SPA做一次美容,剛好我是想這週末去台北 SPA做個水療的,已經好久都沒有做過水療了,我想讓她試試台北 SPA的服務,她一定會特別滿意的。
Ximending boutique hotel
Tonight we will really want to live inside the Ximending boutique hotel? I was very excited! Here we come out to play is a temporary decision, I think this time I come out to play you must enjoy the game can! The Ximending boutique hotel we used to be heard but always do not have the opportunity to live, which can satisfy our wish! I think it’s also really is very good, the inside of the hotel is really there are many, I think the Hsimenting The Inn Boutique is we most want to live in the hotel bar, I really feel very excited! Immediately to the Hsimenting inside the hotel to live.
自助 婚紗
當我聽到這個自助 婚紗的時候我真是很興奮的,我覺得我可以去這家店里面看看也好!因為我現在很著急的想要買到婚紗,要是買不到的話我也不知道老婆會對我怎么樣,馬上就要到結婚的時候了但是老婆還是沒有買到合適的婚紗,我覺得這個時候我也是有責任的。我就到處打聽這個婚紗店。最后我的朋友給我說了這個自助 婚紗店,我覺得這個還是比較靠譜的,所以我就打算去看看!如果我覺得好的話我才會給老婆說的,因為最近老婆要忙的事情真是很多的。
Ximending luxury hotel
Go to friend’s home to play occasionally saw before him a photograph, the background looks like a hotel room, looks really very good, also can see the night view outside the window, he said this is the Ximending luxury hotel rooms in photos, I feel very strange, in fact, from the Ximending is also not particularly well, go and live in the hotel there? He said that the company is and colleagues to go Ximending luxury hotel dinner, all playing very crazy, he drank a lot of wine and late so dwelt in it, I want to have a chance to go there and have a look, really like that style of the room, but also can be seen at night, I most like this.
我和老公打算就要結婚了。這段時間我們一直在爲我們結婚作准備,當然拍婚紗照是我們的首要做的,我們上個周末已經在台北婚紗裏面拍好了婚紗照,我覺得我們在台北婚紗拍的我非常的滿意,因爲我昨天去選 照片的時候我看到那些都還 沒修過的照片都特別的漂亮,我一個都舍不得刪,我都想把我們拍的所有的照片都選上,都給我弄成相冊挂面房子裏。現在我很期待我們的婚紗照什麽時候能做好。台北婚紗真的不錯。