I talked to a group of friends to play in Hualian, in the evening, we are arguing about where to live. Because one of US proposals to live to the hotel, but we all want to live in Hualien accommodation. Because Hualien accommodation words, like home, very comfortable. At night we can chat together, if you live in the hotel, may be noisy to rest. It lives in Hualien accommodation, the cost is low, we are a group of poor students, so save relatively well! Mom and dad to earn money to support we are not easy! Later in the strong request of us, he listened to our opinion, living in the Hualien accommodation.
Ximending boutique hotel
Want to play Ximending if the best weekends, because I have no holidays, so only two days over the weekend to play, my friend is good, because he is very good please leave, but because of my time, he was a weekend and I go out to play. Ximending boutique hotel of course, the best, who want to live a good place, and there is also very busy, you can go to stroll back to rest at night, the Ximending boutique hotel or I found on the Internet, because is not very understanding of the hotel, so I asked several friends, they all said Ximending boutique hotel certainly no problem.
hualien hotel
I Hualien Hotel work for several years, although this is not what luxury hotel, but still very nice hotel, the hotel has a lot of room because we were very popular, especially to Hualien play, so we have a lot to Hualien Hotel is travel of tourists. Just last month, a friend called to say let me help him make a set of rooms, he is to take my family to travel, come after playing very happy, I am afraid they will not satisfied with the room, after all, is their own friends, of course, hope he can live happily, but I feared is not necessary, the family lived in Hualien Hotel are very satisfied.
我們部門裏面有一個女同事人長得非常漂亮,尤其是她那身材真的是讓我羡慕的不行,只要一想起她再看看我得身體,我就心想一定要減肥,不然以后有自己喜歡的衣服,看上了,還是穿不上去的,我一直也在想著要減肥,只是一直沒有恒心,因為我比較愛吃一些,每次只要看到好吃的東西后,就心告訴 自己說這次吃完之后就開始減肥,就這樣一直沒有成功減肥,這次我是真的下定決心要減肥,還準備去問一些成功減肥的人一些方法呢
這段時間女兒又喜歡上了吃芋頭酥,每天我從學校接她回來的時候走到那家剛開的美食店門口她都要我給她去買一些芋頭酥。有時候回家邊飯都不願意吃就只吃芋頭酥,看到她這樣我可真是沒辦法,誰讓我這個芋頭酥這麽好吃呢,其實我也挺喜歡吃的,這個芋頭酥的店也是前兩個星期剛開的,剛開的時候每次從哪經過的時候人都特別的多,所以我也好奇就就進去看了看,也買了一些吃的。不過挺好吃的,女兒特別的喜歡,從哪以後女兒就特別的喜歡吃芋頭酥,每天都 我買給她。
哇,真沒想到鄰居的阿姨說自己想做拉皮,不真的去做了拉皮,而且還說是什麽電波拉皮,我之前 都沒有聽說過電波拉皮,前段時間的時候鄰居阿姨沒事的時候就喜歡來我家玩,那天我們聊天的時候阿姨說是自己想去做個拉皮,那會我還一直想阿姨肯定是開玩笑的,因爲阿姨平時就特別的愛美,打扮的也不像她那個年齡段的人一樣。可是這個周末我回家的時候聽老媽 說是阿姨已經做完電波拉皮回來了,聽到老媽這麽說我真的都不敢相信阿姨真的去做了電波拉皮。
kaohsiung attractions
The company organized an activity is to Kaohsiung attractions tour, back home I gave my mother told me to Kaohsiung attractions that night, my mother let me put on the luggage ready ahead of time, the road Caution!, I’ll tell mom, when I went to the Kaohsiung attractions would bring her back. After, I know about Kaohsiung attractions thing, see interesting places there many, but the scenery is particularly beautiful, just like the Kaohsiung attractions to take some more pictures play back, before listening to a friend I talked about Kaohsiung attractions thing, go to Kaohsiung attractions should take for fun. Relax!