Today we went to a place, a friend pulled me to this, he said that his place is a secret base, but also no one has gone with it, few people know of this place, and so he went after me and Iand we found that there really is very special, because there’s stuff all made with this wood panel, I was thinking how to make that person is so much wood panel into something like this it really is amazing , and also pretty special, where wood panel which also placed a lot of portraits or something, that inside the house like a temple of feeling but do not, in short, the people here are extremely rare very clean, I really like this place .
沖繩 酒店
沖繩 酒店裡面今天在辦一件喜事,是我的好朋友小月在那里結婚呢,小月是我很要好的朋友,之前我們中間也有好幾年都沒有見過了,因為都是工作的原因,但是我們的感情卻沒有為些而減少,這次她也是提前回來的,給我說是她要結婚了,我很替她高興,她就給我說是在沖繩 酒店里面舉行婚禮的,到時候我一定要到的,所以今天我就早早的到了沖繩 酒店,很開心,她看到我來了就過來說是給我一個驚喜,我一看那是我之前說過我很喜歡的一個手鍊,她說是給我的。
Taipei Japanese restaurant
Our company arranged for me to go to Taiwan to travel to Taiwan this month, I have not come to eat, the food and we feel here in Japan too different then, my colleagues see me coming here this month are thin a large circle and asked me if I was not used to this side of things because I had to tell us the truth, then they took me to this Taipei Japanese restaurant, listen to them, this Taipei Japanese restaurant Japanese food made pretty good, then I do not believe, but when I tasted it I can not believe a friend said, Taipei Japanese restaurant there’s something really special delicious, and I eat the food in Japan is no different, later, I asked to know the original owner of the store which is my hometown.
日本 wifi分享器
這次我們公司也想這為了我們用這個網比較方便,所以我們公司也就想著給我們買一個日本 wifi分享器了,所以這次我們也都特別的高興,因為這個買日本 wifi分享器的任務還是讓我去了,所以我就找人帶我去了那個賣日本 wifi分享器的地方去買了,剛開始的時候因為我不知道要買什麽樣的,所以這次我就和同事一起去了賣那個日本 wifi分享器地方,就挑了一個比較好的日本 wifi分享器,拿回公司我們就裝上了,我們的那個日本 wifi分享器終於能用了真的是特別的好。
日本 買樓
現在的日本 買樓還真的是很不錯,我剛一回家爸爸就在那里說這個日本 買樓呢,說是他要不先給我弟弟買一個日本 買樓呢,這樣弟弟到時候結婚也還有新房子住了,我想也行,現在的日本 買樓還算便宜一點那麼就現在趕緊買了吧,第二天爸爸就給我打電話說是他在一家日本 買樓的銷售部讓我帶錢過去找他,他要買日本 買樓了,我還想怎麼這麼快呢,我就到了爸爸那里之后就發現爸爸看的那個日本 買樓還真的是挺好的,也就趕緊給買了下來了,總算是不在想這個了。
京都 住宿
那個京都 住宿里面最近的人是特別的多,想訂一個房間都是很難的,因為馬上就到我家寶貝的生日了,我記得去年他過生日的時候就沒有好好的給他過,所以這次我就想給寶寶過一個好一點的生日,這樣也增添孩子是有影響的,所以我就在京都 住宿給訂了一個房價,打掃了一下,還特別的佈置的很好看,都是寶寶喜歡的東西,我相信我家寶寶一定會很喜歡的,這次這個京都 住宿里面老公也還自己做了一道 菜呢,就是他還沒有給孩子做過一次飯呢,這次讓寶寶高興一下。
Triple offset butterfly valve
Well, a few days ago my friend called me and said they Triple offset butterfly valve company recently arranged for them to travel it, hum, heard the news I am extremely unhappy why do people Triple offset butterfly valve’s welfare is so good, when nothing arranged for staff to travel, how do I have no chance to find such a good company too, often see photos of friends go out to play I envy not, yesterday to see them go out and play the photos really is good good the United States, I have the opportunity later if they could go to Triple offset butterfly valve inside the company how much of the work that is good, when I can receive everyone envy.
Taipei luxury hotel
Sixtieth birthday of my grandmother when our family is in Taipei luxury hotel inside it to make arrangements for my grandmother, that the birthday of my grandmother, but very satisfied with it, say particularly good we picked this Taipei luxury hotel environment, and the service attitude is particularly good, plus Taipei luxury hotel eating dishes which are particularly fond of him, alas, she was saying how happy indescribably own it, so my grandmother heard praise we picked this Taipei luxury I do not by the hotel’s Joseph, hey, do not look at this Taipei luxury hotel is set idea who eventually took the Taipei luxury hotel non-do die, then I will, if there is still the choice of what kind of opportunity this Taipei luxury hotel then, other stores, I do not consider them.